12/20/2020: Good Evening RDTAC: I sincerely hope all alumni and friends are staying healthy during this Christmas Season. I wanted to give the Club members a few positive updates: 1. Tuskegee University has received a $5 million gift from the charitable foundation established by philanthropist Stephen Fienberg. Mr. Feinberg is the co-founder and co-chief executive officer of Cerberus Capital Management, a global private equity firm with investment assets across complementary credit, private equity, and real estate platforms. The full story can be found at this link: https://www.tuskegee.edu/news/tuskegee-university-receives-5-million-gift-from-foundation-established-by-cerberus-founder-and-ceo-stephen-feinberg 2. Air Force to honor Tuskegee Airmen with 2020 Air Power Legacy Series uniform - Air Force Academy Athletics. The full story can be found at this link: https://goairforcefalcons.com/news/2020/9/21/2020_Air_Force_Football_APLS_Uniform.aspx Yesterday the Air Force played the Army and it was very exciting to see the uniforms and helmets honoring the Tuskegee Airmen. I hope everyone had a chance to see the historic uniforms.
I hope all alumni have a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year. I look forward to seeing everyone, virtually or in person, in 2021! Blessings and Safety, Alicia F. Wiley, ’94 & ‘97 President, Raleigh-Durham Tuskegee Alumni Club (RDTAC) [email protected] C (919) 270-6114 H (919) 266-9522
Good Evening RDTAC: A friendly reminder of the December Meeting this Saturday, December 12th at 2:00 pm. The agenda is attached. The Zoom information is as follows: [Please contact RDTAC for Zoom Information] As usual, the December meeting will be a little bit of business and a whole lot of fun. After the meeting, we will host a virtual Christmas Party. Please wear your “ugly Christmas sweater” and sip on your favorite spirit. There will be a prize for the ugliest Christmas sweater. 😊 Calendar sales are going great. Henry Wall will have a full report at Saturday’s meeting. If you need more calendars, contact Henry. But hurry, as our inventory is getting low. If you are in receipt of calendar money, please send to Melvin McCain. Remember, we don’t want to hold personal checks very long. If you have not paid your dues, December is the last month. Dues and calendar money, can be mailed to Melvin. His address is: 111 Lewey Brook Drive, Cary, NC 27519. See you Saturday and Stay Healthy! Alicia F. Wiley, ’94 & ‘97 President, Raleigh-Durham Tuskegee Alumni Club (RDTAC) [email protected] C (919) 270-6114 H (919) 266-9522 12/3/2020: Greetings RDTAC: We have reached the final RDTAC Meeting in 2020! The last meeting of the year will be December 12th at 2:00 pm. The ZOOM information is forthcoming. Alumni, our December meeting has always been a little bit of business and a whole lot of fun. This year will not be different. The business of the day will be passing the 2021 Budget and a 2021 Calendar update. Committees, please submit you budget request ASAP. The fun of the day will be an Ugly Christmas sweater contest as you sip your favorite drink. There will be a prize for the ugliest Christmas sweater, so plan accordingly. You have exactly 9 days to get or make that sweater! Stay Healthy! Alicia F. Wiley, ’94 & ‘97 President, Raleigh-Durham Tuskegee Alumni Club (RDTAC) [email protected] C (919) 270-6114 H (919) 266-9522 |
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