Booker T. Washington April 5, 1856 – November 14, 1915 Happy Birthday Month! Good Evening RDTAC:
The RDTAC April meeting will be Saturday, April 15th at 2:00 pm. The Agenda is attached [Contact RDTAC for Agenda] and the Zoom information is as follows: Topic: RDTAC April Meeting Time: Apr 15, 2023 02:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join: [Contact RDTAC for Zoom Info] Meeting ID: [Contact RDTAC for Zoom Info] Passcode: [Contact RDTAC for Zoom Info] Congratulations to Tuskegee University! TU came in 3rd place in the Retool Your School competition. Here are the top 3 winners in Cluster 2: 1. Coahoma Community College
To see the full list, go to The 2023 RDTAC Scholarship application is now open until June 1st. Please encourage any current TU student you may know to apply by going on the RDTAC website, under Scholarship. See you Saturday! Alicia F. Wiley, ’94 & ‘97 President, Raleigh-Durham Tuskegee Alumni Club (RDTAC) [email protected] C (919) 270-6114 H (919) 266-9522
Happy Palm Sunday RDTAC,
I hope your had a wonderful Sunday preparing for the Death and Resurrection of our Savior. Because Good Friday and Easter are this coming weekend, I am going to move the April meeting to next Saturday, April 15th at 2:00 pm. This will give everyone the opportunity to spend time with your families. Blessings Everyone! Alicia F. Wiley, ’94 & ‘97 President, Raleigh-Durham Tuskegee Alumni Club (RDTAC) [email protected] C (919) 270-6114 H (919) 266-9522 |
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