Happy Juneteenth RDTAC!
I hope your day was filled with celebration & reflection. This is a reminder to please join the RDTAC as we celebrate the graduation of our 2 time recipient of the RDTAC Scholarship, AriAnna Thomas. The 2023 Baccalaureate Celebration will be held this Sunday, June 25th immediately following the 10:30 AM worship service at Watts Chapel Missionary Baptist Church located at 3703 Tryon Rd, Raleigh 27606. Please wear Tuskegee paraphernalia. Following the Baccalaureate Celebration, Gary and Alicia Wiley will host a reception at our home located at [Contact RDTAC for Address] at 3:00 pm. Please join us for food & fellowship. Dues are now due - $75 (single) and $115 (couples). Dues can be paid on Sunday or mailed to: [Contact RDTAC for Address] The next RDTAC Meeting will be September 9th. I hope to see you Sunday! Blessings, Alicia F. Wiley, ’94 & ‘97 President, Raleigh-Durham Tuskegee Alumni Club (RDTAC) [email protected] C (919) 270-6114 H (919) 266-9522
Good Evening RDTAC,
I hope you are enjoying the Summer thus far. Although the RDTAC is on summer hiatus, we still have events going on. Please join the RDTAC as we celebrate the graduation of our 2 time recipient of the RDTAC Scholarship, AriAnna Thomas. The 2023 Baccalaureate Celebration will be held on Sunday, June 25th immediately following the 10:30 AM worship service at Watts Chapel Missionary Baptist Church located at 3703 Tryon Rd, Raleigh 27606. Following the Baccalaureate Celebration, Gary and Alicia Wiley will host a reception at our home located at [Contact RDTAC for Address]. Please join us for food, fun and celebration. The next RDTAC Meeting will be September 9th. Hope to see you at both! Alicia F. Wiley, ’94 & ‘97 President, Raleigh-Durham Tuskegee Alumni Club (RDTAC) [email protected] C (919) 270-6114 H (919) 266-9522 |
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October 2024
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