RDTAC Club History
In 2001, alumni Alicia Wiley (’94 and ’97), Gary Wiley (’95), and Carlton P. Jones (’97) after graduating from Tuskegee University, wanted to join an alumni club in the area. They learned that in the past there was a club in Durham, the Durham Tuskegee Alumni Club, that met monthly at Dillard’s Restaurant, owned by TU alumnus Sam Dillard. The club president was Missouri Morris (’58). This club was no longer active. The other club in the state of North Carolina was in Charlotte- 3 hours away. Therefore, they decided to start a club closer to home. The first meeting was held at the home of Gary and Alicia Wiley on September 21, 2001, and approximately 50 alumni attended. The name of the club was chosen to include both Durham and Raleigh alumni. Thus, the Raleigh-Durham Tuskegee Alumni Club (RDTAC) was established in 2002. Good food, fellowship, and renewed friendship was held by all; this would always be the Club’s mantra. The Raleigh-Durham Tuskegee Alumni Club was chartered on July 19, 2003. The shape of the club's logo represents the area known as the Triangle, encompassing the cities of Raleigh, Durham, and Chapel Hill. The logo was designed in 2017.
The first officers of the club were:
- President: Carlton P. Jones
- Vice-President: Victor Harris
- Treasurer: Henry Wall
- Secretary: Alicia F. Wiley
- Chaplain: Ruth Gartrell
In 2007, lead by alumna Ruth Gartrell, the RDTAC began printing calendars depicting current and historical photographs of the campus, faculty, and students of Tuskegee University. The Tuskegee University calendar has been a signature fundraiser for the RDTAC. Proceeds of the calendar go towards scholarships and the RDTAC Endowment Fund. In 2018, the 2019 calendar was included in each registrants’ packet at the Tuskegee National Alumni Association (TNAA) 18th Biennial Convention in Cincinnati, OH.
In 2020, the RDTAC was recognized as tax-exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code in a determination letter issued by the Internal Revenue Service in December. RDTAC's IRS record can be found here.
In 2022, the RTDAC registered the RDTAC Logo as a trade mark/service mark. The certificate of registration from the North Carolina Secretary of State is below.
The Raleigh-Durham Tuskegee Alumni club meets every 2nd Saturday of the month at 2:00 pm alternating between the cities of Raleigh and Durham. June, July, and August are vacation months.
RDTAC Members, Officers, and Committee Members are listed on the Membership page.
RDTAC Members, Officers, and Committee Members are listed on the Membership page.